Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Cook a Yummy Bean

I have found out from talking to my friends that most of them don't know how to properly cook dried beans! I do this so often that it is second nature for me, so I thought I would write up a little tutorial about how to get the perfect bean every time.

As a side note, cooking your own dried beans is not only way more cost effective than using canned beans, but canned beans are also packaged in cans that are lined with BPA. BPA is bad bad bad stuff and should be avoided at all costs.

Here are the instructions to cook a yummy bean:

Step 1: Soak beans overnight in water with a few Tbsp of kosher salt. Do not skip the salt. Salt helps give the beans a touch of flavor, but more importantly helps to soften the beans.

Step 2: When you are ready to cook your beans, drain them in a colander and rinse them off. Beans will naturally release toxins when they soak so you want to rinse as much of them away as possible.

Step 3: Put drained beans in a large pot with fresh water to cover them at least 2 inches. Add a couple Tbsp of kosher salt in the pot and 1 or 2 bay leaves.

Step 4: Put a lid over the pot on an angle so some air can escape. You want to cover the beans but also allow air to escape. If you put the lid on tight, the pressure will eventually blow your beans apart and you will have a mess.

Step 5: Bring water to a boil on high heat. When water boils for a few minutes, turn the heat down to a lower temperature. I usually go with 3 on my stove so it is still hot, but not actively boiling.

Step 6: Depending on your beans, cooking can take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. You want to check them often so they do not overcook. When beans are done to the softness you prefer, drain them in a colander and remove bay leaves.

I usually make a ton of beans and bean dishes on a Sunday so I have them throughout the week. I use them to make hummus or bean dip, bean salad, or just keep them to use in other entrees as I cook during the week.

I will be posting tons more bean recipes as time goes on so be on the lookout!

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