Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Note About Fluoride and Hypothyroidism

Here are some facts about flouride that should really scare you:

1. Fluoride was used to lower thyroid function in those who had hyperthyroidism up until the 1950s. What this means for you is that if you have hypothyroidism (sluggish thyroid), fluoride in water, toothpaste, and teflon (PTFE) coatings can further depress your thyroid hormones.

2. Fluoride causes iodine deficiency. Chlorine also causes iodine deficiency. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine are all part of the halogens family of elements on the periodic table and as such they have an antagonistic relationship. Fluoride is used in water and toothpaste, as well in drugs such as Prozac, Bromine is used in flours and processed foods. Chlorine is used in our water supply and in the production of table salt. Chlorine, Fluoride, and Bromine find their way into our overall food supply as they are present in most municipality water supplies (therefore that water is used to make foods and products and also grow foods). There is even more to this story. Bromine is used as a flame retardant in carpeting and bedding. Chlorine gases are emitted from factories and cleaning supplies used around the house. Fluoride was used in Nazi Germany to make prisoners docile and less fertile at concentration camps (lowers IQ and mental clarity, and causes reproductive issues). This list goes on and on. These toxic halides cancel out the iodine in our systems and lead to sluggish thyroids. The thyroid needs iodine to perform regularly. Likewise, with the reduction of fluoride, bromine, and chlorine in our diets (using products and drinking osmosis water free of the other halides), Iodine can displace the other halides and lead to a better functioning thyroid again.

3. The truth about fluoride: Naturally occurring fluorite (CaF2) is not the same type of fluoride being added to our drinking water. Artificially made fluoride, sodium fluoride (NaF), and Fluorosilic acid (H2SiF6), a byproduct of the aluminum and fertilizer industries, are toxic, and contaminated with lead, barium, mercury, and cadmium. No testing of industrial fluoride is conducted at the source before it is shipped out to be added to our drinking water. Naturally occurring fluoride is already present in most water supplies. Various studies from around the world have shown that tooth health is not improved in communities with fluoridated water, and often the opposite is true that communities with non fluoridated water see less cavities than those with fluoridated water. NaF and other artificial fluorides have been linked to cancer, particularly breast and other reproductive cancers, in addition to headaches, IQ lowering, and arthritis among other health issues. Fluoride at higher levels is proven to cause weaker teeth and bones. Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland have all discontinued fluoridating water based on the lack of clear studies of harm from Fluoride.

4: The truth about iodine: Iodine used to be found in many products like bread and milk, but not anymore. Flour is now bromated. The dairy industry used to used iodine to clean cow udders after milking, so iodine could be found in most dairy products. Table salt is supposed to contain iodine, enough to keep us from becoming deficient, but it is processed with chlorine, which displaces iodine in our systems. Besides the fact that you would have to eat an ungodly amount of iodized table salt to even come close to your recommended daily allowance, which the FDA has already set too low. Unless you eat a lot of kelp and seafood, chances are that you are not getting enough iodine in your diet.

These are just some of the reasons why I supplement myself with Lugol's solution iodine. Every day I put a patch on my skin and allow my body to absorb the iodine at the rate it needs it. I also drink water run through an osmosis filter. Pur filters and other charcoal filters do not remove halides. In addition, I make my own toothpaste with just coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint essential oil, and xylitol.

Some people do not believe that fluoride is harmful in any way, but for my purposes, it is proven that fluoride suppresses thyroid hormone. That is enough to get me to stop using it, even disregarding other health problems it may cause. I wonder about the obesity epidemic in this country and how it possibly correlates to fluoridation of the water in part. 60% of the water in this country is fluoridated. Believe what you want, but if you have a sluggish thyroid, you may want to think twice about using fluoride. In fact, I would go as far as to say that keeping fluoride out of our kid's drinking water is good policy to prevent suppression of their thyroid hormones. I am not a scientist, but it stands to reason that if a substance is used to treat the exact opposite problem I have, it is not something I want to be ingesting. Just some food for thought. Fluoride has been studied as a toxic substance since before World War II. We have plenty of information about the plethora of harmful side effects of ingesting this substance. What are we looking for anyway? Eighteen more reasons not to use it? We have many very good reasons to discontinue using it now. Has common sense completely abandoned this country?

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